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Help with your business, giving you time to savour the view…

Based in the beautiful Alpujarras, in the province of Granada, Southern Spain. Maggie Cusworth can offer you the assistance you need to manage your business. Whether it’s general administration, accounts, project management, organisational, or property management. Maggie offers a personal, flexible and efficient service, that can help you with the ebb and flow of your workload.

Working from her traditional alpujarran ‘casa’ in the village of Bubión Maggie is not tied to the working day and is able to work flexible hours to suit her clients. Working often with self-employed people, some in Spain and others in the UK.

Maggie also manages properties in Bubion and the surrounding areas. Providing you and your guests a friendly contact in the area, fantastic local knowledge and the security of knowing your property is being looked after.

Maggie's Blog
Travelling through Spain, a journey from North to South - view more »

Extreme ironing

Well, any form of ironing for me is a bit of an extreme, if I am being totally honest. I can feel the pity or maybe...

A day to Málaga is never complete unless…

Unless you go to Ikea. Oh boy, how sad is that. We had to make the trip to Málaga this morning to take Sarah to...

Imagine living to 104 and a half

I met someone we know yesterday in the supermarket and I enquired, as I always do, how her husband was and where he...