La Vuelta…
A week on from the grand return…and when you’re listening to Bruce Springsteen, you know you’re in trouble! Well I love Bruce Springsteen so it’s not all bad. It has been such a weird week. A mixture of fun and delight to just “be”. To be at home. Not thinking about where we’re going next and if the GPS will get me there without a meltdown. Hers and mine! It’s been lovely to see everyone again, and get loads of hugs and welcome homes. And a mega crash. The crash of it all being over. Day to day life. The day to day life where the cat is sick and she needs to go to the vet tomorrow morning first thing. The day to day life where your water heater explodes and they are expensive to replace, and the knob on the kitchen hob falls off, the rain wets your clothes when you put them on the line and forget about them. Problems with blocked drains in rental houses. Normal stuff. But I have a wedding to look forward to, (not the Royal one, that’s gone), the one we’re going to in Belfast in June. That’ll be great. The issue being if I can risk waiting to buy something to wear on the Friday afternoon when we arrive or am I just pushing my luck too much. I’ll find a solution…
I have a few people to thank for enabling our trip across Spain for 2 months. Julia obviously for picking us to accompany her, and being able to watch such a feat roll out. Angela, well, she knows why. Everyone who accompanied us along the way for their company. The guys in Bubión who did my work for me: Maria Dolores, Maritere, Ana Maria, Gema and Alfonso for his fast response to plumbing/electrical issues. Gabriela for living in our house and looking after the cat. Sarah, for coming back. Special mention along the way goes to Ángel at Casa de las Manuelas, Horcajo de las Torres, who was amazing. And Maria Ángeles at Casa de las Junqueras Porzuna, who was also wonderful. And Gonzalo owner of Maca for bringing Maca to us.
I have decided the main issue is the lack of a dog. We need to get one… soon. I have included a photo of Maca exploring the fireplace at Villatoro.