Thirty cats and Jumpy
We really do end up in some of the nicest places to stay! And Casa Del Valle Hinojosas de Calatrava is no exception. As you arrive the sign says we share this space with dogs and cats. We sure did. There are cats everywhere. In broken plant pots, on the stairs and at the bases of trees in groups, sunning themselves. The seven dogs (apart from Jumpy, who is well named) are fairly sleepy and inconspicuous. Jumpy really liked to interact, and even joined in one evening when we were stretching (exercise). Such a lovely dog. I miss dogs… This week has flown past. We stayed in the hotel Sisapo in Almodóvar del Campo, and as is usually the case we went to the same restaurant for lunch a couple of times, in a lovely bodega. People in the area generally know what Julia is doing and quite often ask for a photo with her. But unknown to us one of the women who worked in the kitchen at the restaurant (Bodega) had seen Julia after her 25km of extreme effort and when Jack and I were walking to another bar in the town later on, she recognised us, asked for a wrist band and donated 5 euros. She had tears in her eyes and so did I. It’s interesting what touches people and encourages them to donate. And sometimes it’s people who haven’t got a lot of money who give… but the vast majority of hotels/accommodation we have stayed in have donated 50 euros/70 euros and even more. I think those who see Julia for a few days realise that its a big deal. The effort, the stamina needed to do that, day after day.
The landscape where we are at the moment is spectacular. Breath taking. But yet again I got fooled by the weather. It was 25 degrees on Wednesday, and today Sunday its windy, cold and rainy… And today is a momentous day (they all are but this is for a reason). Today we cross into Andalucía. And we have 11 more days running and 2 more rest days til we reach Almunécar. It’s flying by… One important thing learned this week in our bar watching Bayern Munich play Real Madrid in the Champions, is when Bayern score, do NOT react. No fist pumping, no celebration, nothing. Not when you are surrounded by Real Madrid supporters and lots of them…The photos today are of our lovely landscape and the lovely Josie (team osteopath) doing yoga poses with one of the many cats in her arms, and Jack and Julia by the embalse of Montoro.